30 March 2025 Sunday
2:05 AM

Oneida Lake Water Level:

New Page: Oneida Lake Water Level

Oneida Lake Water Temperature

***** Due to funding limitations, the Weather Station and Water Quality Buoy are currently offline. *****

Fahrenheit to Celsius / Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter (water temperature is reported in degrees celsius; please use the calculator to convert to fahrenheit)

DISCALIMER: The real time data available from both the weather station and the buoy are preliminary and have not been verified for accuracy. Inaccuracies in the data may be present as a result of instrument malfunctions, physical changes at the measurement site or changes to the instrumentation. Subsequent review may result in significant revisions and all users are cautioned to carefully consider if provisional data is suitable for their use. More information may be requested by contacting the Cornell Biological Field Station (315-633-9243) or SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (315-470-6844). O'Brien & Gere, SUNY-ESF, and Cornell University provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of furnished data. Source: http://www.nysgextension.org/oli/olei-weather.htm

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